V.1:5 (103-104): Crooks, Cranks and Honest Citizens: Commodity Periodicals by FRED S. GEHM

V.1:5 (103-104): Crooks, Cranks and Honest Citizens: Commodity Periodicals by FRED S. GEHM
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Product Description

Crooks, Cranks and Honest Citizens: Commodity Periodicals by FRED S. GEHM

(The first of a regular feature column)

This is going to be a column of reviews of criticisms. It will be a consumer's guide to technical analysis. This includes books, magazines, newsletters, seminars and other products.

Criticism is easy; any fool can criticize. However, responsible criticism is not easy. It is not easy to keep an open mind and, worse, it's almost impossible to know when your mind is not open. I have yet to meet a bigot who didn't think he (or she) was the voice of reason, for example.

If it is impossible to be unbiased (and it may well be) it is at least possible to be fair. Therefore I will allow the author(s) or editor(s) of the items I review to respond to my criticisms in this column. They will be given a word count limit and if the length of their responses is within the count they will not be edited.

Unfortunately, because of time constraints, I was unable to obtain any responses for this issue. So I have decided in this first column to give brief reviews of several commodity publications. Many of these publications are quite valuable and worth a more leisurely review, which I hope to do in future issues. I also plan to review stock market publications in a future issue.

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