Stocks & Commodities V. 35:05 (27–29): ETF Momentum Investing by Leslie N. Masonson

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:05 (27–29): ETF Momentum Investing by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# V35C05_438MASO
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Product Description

ETF Momentum Investing by Leslie N. Masonson

In the January 2017 issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, I wrote about factor-based investing using momentum as one of five investable factors (with the other four being quality, value, low volatility, and size). This column will delve into more detail about ETF momentum investing, since this has become a “hot” category as the stock market has been making continual new all-time highs almost weekly in early 2017. Not surprisingly, 27 momentum-based ETFs have come to the market since 2015 because of investor interest ...

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