V.16:13 (603-604): Quick Scan: Indigo Blue Chip Investment Strategies

V.16:13 (603-604): Quick Scan: Indigo Blue Chip Investment Strategies
Item# \V16\C13\110QS.PDF
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Product Description

Indigo Blue Chip Investment Strategies (MicroStar Research & Trading, Inc.)

MicroStar has released another in their series of trading models, this one designed to trade stocks and/or mutual funds. The program comes as the logic plus a library of trading models whose innards, though hidden, can be historically tested using the built-in system tester. The methods are only briefly discussed in the program manual; purchasers can obtain the actual trading logic upon signing a nondisclosure agreement with MicroStar.

Installation and data service have been automated. Data comes with the program (in the old MetaStock format) and the program will examine your datafiles and determine for itself what to update. A data maintenance module also automatically scans the data for possible errors. The program runs on daily data, so the update is normally done nightly. —John Sweeney, Technical Editor

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