V. 9:14 (580-582): Ganntrader 2 by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.

V. 9:14 (580-582): Ganntrader 2 by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.
Item# \V09\C14\P580.PDF
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Product Description

Ganntrader 2 by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.

Gannsoft Publishing Company

11670 Riverbend Drive

Leavenworth, WA 98826

(509) 548-5990; fax: (509) 548-4679

Price: $1,295

Hardware Requirements: IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible, 640K memory, two drives, one hard drive recommended; VGA, EGA or Hercules graphics card; Epson or IBM dot matrix printer for quality hard copy,136 column recommended; other printers, including color, supported only via screen dump; large color monitor recommended. Mouse not required but recommended.

I reviewed Ganntrader in STOCKS & COMMODITIES in February 1987. For the review I interviewed users of the program, and I found they had high praise for it. They also wore out many of the normally rugged Epson printers doing their Gann studies.

Ganntrader 2 changes that. Besides plotting long and large charts on dot matrix printers, it also plots them to the screen in crisp, dazzling colors, greatly increasing the efficiency of trying various scale factors, Gann angles, Gann squares, and so forth. Where one chart previously took 20 minutes to print, it now takes seconds to display on the screen.

Ganntrader 2 is an easy-to-use program with pop-down menus. Installation was trivial, and the Ganntrader program itself worked flawlessly. I did have some initial problems with the GrafPlus screen dump program included, but after some trial and error got it to dump the screens to files the way I wanted (Figures 1 through 3).

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