V. 9:14 (571-575): Compass, An Econometric Forecasting Program for the IBM PC by Mark Hallinan

V. 9:14 (571-575): Compass, An Econometric Forecasting Program for the IBM PC by Mark Hallinan
Item# \V09\C14\P571.PDF
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Product Description

Compass An Econometric Forecasting Program for the IBM PC by Mark Hallinan

Compass undertakes the task of forecasting four major time series of interest to investors, namely, the Standard & Poor's 500, the U.S. Treasury bond yield, the U.S. Treasury bill rate and the rate of increase of the Consumer Price Index (CPI, frequently referred to as the "inflation rate"). Forecasts are made for periods of three months, six months, and one year ahead by means of 12 distinct econometric models, one per time series for each forecast period. The menu-driven program consists of a single disk and an 11-page manual. The manual is succinctly but clearly written. You should have no problems either understanding the manual or running the program. The program is both easy to learn and easy to use. (Learning to use the results is something else again.)

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