V. 9:14 (566-568): SNAP Revisited by John Sweeney and Thom Hartle
Product Description
SNAP Revisited
by John Sweeney and Thom Hartle
Product: Subsystem of CompuTrac 3.21. Graphic analysis and trading system evaluation
Price: Bundled with basic CompuTrac module: $695 for both
Last month, while reviewing CompuTrac 3.21, we dinged the industry doyen for its (eight-year-old)
interface while commending its comprehensive, well-reviewed list of indicators and vast testing
capabilities. I'll be very surprised if this issue doesn't have an outraged Letter to the Editor from the
gentlemen in New Orleans on the subject.
Actually, Tim Slater and the rest of the CompuTrac crew long ago recognized these weaknesses and
prevailed on new CompuTrac owner Telerate to give them the package and the programmers to address
it. The package, an on-line analysis system that originated as TradePlan, was transmuted into an interday
analytical complement to CompuTrac that came to be known as SNAP.
SNAP is a completely different package from CompuTrac, and its only connection to CompuTrac is that it
can be run from the CompuTrac master menu and it also uses the same CompuTrac files that CompuTrac
uses. For this reason, we chose to review it separately from "classic" CompuTrac, but since they come
from the same vendor and are bundled in one price, some might feel they should be regarded as one
integrated program.
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