V. 9:14 (559-565): SIDEBAR: MODULE CITY

V. 9:14 (559-565): SIDEBAR: MODULE CITY
Item# \V09\C14\P562.PDF
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Product Description


What are all these modules, anyway?

Well, the first is the simplest: for $695, you get a package of CompuTrac and SNAP that does more than most intermediate-level packages do, but with far more indicators at a comparatively stiff price (see STOCKS & COMMODITIES, October 1990).

Step 2 should probably be to purchase the Automation Module for $200 because you will get tired of all the key- stroking involved in CompuTrac. This module gets the computer to do all that. SNAP does have its own built-in automation feature.

Step 3 is to take the maintenance and phone support, $300 a year, for twice-yearly software updates plus phone support and newsletters. After that, it shouldn't be necessary unless you want the twice-yearly software updates.

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