V. 9:14 (555-557): SIDEBAR: BASICS
Product Description
Come prepared with a 286 or better, EGA to VGA color graphics and a hard disk with 1.75 MB for
software and perhaps 40 items being tracked. 640K is listed as minimum RAM, but 1 to 4 MB wouldn't
hurt, though you'll need Windows to manage it. Your printer should be Epson or HP Laserjet compatible.
The data comes from Signal, S&P Comstock, DTN Wall Street or XPress. I assume your datafeed is
already up and running and you are just inserting LiveWire. Be aware that LiveWire will siphon off the
signal from Signal, thereby castrating Signal's display. You can have one or the other running, but not
both. A $49.95 add-on allows historical data download from Dow Jones or Warner.
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