V. 9:14 (558-559): BOOK REVIEW
Product Description
New York Institute of Finance
Simon & Schuster Professional Publishing
2 Broadway, New York, NY 10004
(212) 344-2900
Author: Mark Douglas
Price: $29.95
236 pages, 1990
Most people think that traders are rugged individualists, but as a group, traders (except for a few
leaders) are indecisive and impatient to an extreme. Under normal conditions, the frame of mind of an
average trader is one notch away from unrestrained terror. — Mark Douglas
This book has to elicit curiosity among its readers about whether the author is really a trader or a
theoretician. By chance, Mark Douglas seems to be both. Douglas honestly recaps his experiences as a
fledgling trader in The Disciplined Trader. In the book, he tells of how he went to Chicago with very
little capital to become a trader. He rented a fancy apartment, paid for his girlfriend's mortgage back
home and commuted by plane on weekends. To cover his expenses, he needed to get rich in a hurry! But
within a year, he ended up in bankruptcy court. That crushing and humiliating experience created what
Douglas calls "forced awareness." Thus began a painful and slow but ultimately productive course of
introspection and of evaluating his own and others' trading psychology.
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