V. 9:14 (551-554): Advanced GET Professional by John Sweeney

V. 9:14 (551-554): Advanced GET Professional by John Sweeney
Item# \V09\C14\P551.PDF
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Product Description

Advanced GET Professional by John Sweeney

Tom Joseph

Programming by

Eric Scott Hunsader

Trading Techniques, Inc.

677 W. Turkey Foot Lake Road

Akron, OH 44319

(216) 645-0077

Price: $2,950 with training videos

This is spooky! This program draws graphs and then lays on an Elliott Wave count—all in about 20 seconds. Think for a minute about the logic that goes into that. Plus, the counts are internally consistent and the same that maybe 80% of Elliotticians would derive. It even changes its counts as it goes along, just like human analysts. How'd they do that!?

Plus—it trades the wave count and an internal cycle and oscillator system. It can even make money.

Many components of the program are disclosed and it will teach you how to trade Gann and Elliott using its proprietary indicators!

There's nothing else like this. Before I go overboard, though, let's cover the nuts and bolts.

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