V. 9:13 (545-546): Quick-Scans: BRAINMAKER PROFESSIONAL
Product Description
California Scientific Software
10141 Evening Star Drive #6
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(916) 477-7481
Product: General neural network creation and training model
Hardware: IBM compatible machine with DOS 3.3 or better; 475K free RAM and 900K or more space
on your hard disk
Parice: $795, with 30-day warranty. Version with accelerator board and software, $1,995
There are neural network packages and then there are serious neural network packages — emphasis on
details! BrainMaker Professional emphasizes the latter. This is definitely a package for the
serious-minded DOS-devoté who loves to tweak every aspect of his or her analysis.
Despite this lead, BrainMaker Professional is written in a breezy, realistic tone that's instantly likeable. Its
manual is massive, thoroughly indexed, very readable and intuitively organized—easily the most
comprehensive technical manual I've ever seen or used. There's also a separate 211-page introduction to
neural networks that is a must-read way to get smart on this analytical technique. Still, all that can't quite
overcome the necessity of learning the names and functions of 18 different file types and a character map
(which occasionally is reported missing) so as to attempt to answer the many questions the program asks
you. This is a program that could use five tutorial analyses, so complex are the alternatives.
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