V. 9:13 (524-524): Quick-Scans: THE WALL STREET DICTIONARY

V. 9:13 (524-524): Quick-Scans: THE WALL STREET DICTIONARY
Item# \V09\C13\Q524B.PDF
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Product Description


New York Institute of Finance

2 Broadway New York, NY 10004

(212) 344-2900

Authors: R.J. Shook and Robert L. Shook

Price: $14.95

Pages: 470

Naturally, along with the phenomenal growth of new products in the investment world there has been an exponential growth in the investing terminology involved. At one time or another, every serious investor has either read or heard an investment term that was new to him or her. At such times, what is needed is a practical desk reference briefly explaining the definition and usage of these new financial terms. The New York Institute of Finance has met the need by publishing such a volume.

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