V. 9:11 (473-476): SIDEBAR: IS IT TIME TO GO MAC?

V. 9:11 (473-476): SIDEBAR: IS IT TIME TO GO MAC?
Item# \V09\C11\SIDEBI.PDF
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Time was when virtually no software existed for traders whose machines were Apple Macintosh personal computers. Even Commodore had more software than Apple's machines, though retail technical analysis really got started with a lowly Apple II and CompuTrac's pioneering work. (Could it have been barely eight years ago?)

Nowadays, an analyst can legitimately think of going the Macintosh way for his daily analysis and his heavy-duty technical requirements. CompuTrac Mac is a tour de force, a delightful program that fully exploits the Mac interface. Personal Hotline is another, and then there's Roberts Slade, War Machine and now System Writer Plus (SWP). That's to say nothing of thousands of other robust applications, particularly the spreadsheets and word processors that are far easier to use in the Mac world than in the IBM one.

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