V. 8:14 (576-577): Leaping Mystery Charts by John Sweeney
Product Description
Leaping Mystery Charts
by John Sweeney
April's challenging chart should have leaped off the page to any member of the energy trading
complex. The weekly heating oil chart from July 1988 to January 1990 was indeed a unique opportunity
to trade a panic. Action like this - out of nowhere - can make a pit hysterical.
Two late entries stood out. The first was Russell Calkins of Intravest, who supplied no comments but a
simple series of effective key reversal trades. The other was Richard Maseri of the Texas Energy
Exchange, who demolished our challenge with a two-page analysis and a blow-by-blow accounting of
what actually happened. Although I was high on Russell's straightforward approach, I rated Richard's
better for the most complete analysis. Here's what he had to say:
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