V. 8:14 (552-559): Market Analyzer PLUS by John Sweeney

V. 8:14 (552-559): Market Analyzer PLUS by John Sweeney
Item# \V08\C14\102mkan.PDF
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Product Description

Market Analyzer PLUS by John Sweeney

Dow Jones & Co.

PO Box 300

Princeton, NJ 08543-0300

(609) 520-4641

Product: Advanced-level technical analysis plus portfolio management

Equipment required: IBM PC/XT/ AT/PS2, 512K (640K recommended). CGA, EGA, VGC or Hercules graphics. Two floppies or a hard drive. Asynchronous communications adapter with Hayes modem or 100% compatible. PC- or MS-DOS 3.1 or higher. IBM, Epson or Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II or one of 75 other printers.

Price: $499. News/Retrieval subscribers get it for $399.20. Special offer for Stocks & Commodities subscribers at $349.30, including three hours' connect time. Offer expires 11/15/90. Call (609) 520-4641.

Summary: B+. I love the program, but I'm not wild about the graphics or the learning curve with this manual.

When last reviewed here, Market Analyzer PLUS (hereafter referred to as MA+) had fair technical analysis capabilities, good access to Dow Jones databases and a big plus: an integrated portfolio manager. Ho hum! Now that big plus is just a sideshow in a much larger, fully integrated package. Along with:

(1) The data download (subject to Dow Jones's database limitations, somewhat ameliorated by the acquisition of //TRADELINE historical data)

(2) Automated, unattended downloading and analysis

(3) A full portfolio manager with automatic profit and loss and tax reporting

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