V. 8:14 (540-543): CompuTrac/M by Thom Hartle

V. 8:14 (540-543): CompuTrac/M by Thom Hartle
Item# \V08\C14\R540.PDF
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Product Description

CompuTrac/M by Thom Hartle


1017 Pleasant St. P.O. Box 15951

New Orleans, LA 70175-5951 (504) 895-1474

Developer contact: Norbert Rudick

Product: Intermediate-level trading software Minimal equipment required: Mac Plus and one 800K disk drive, printer and modem.

Price: $695

Summary: Graphics are excellent; ease of use is high once poor manual is overcome.

On May 1, 1990, CompuTrac released its latest version of CompuTrac/M, the technical analysis program for the Apple Macintosh personal computer. The first version was originally acquired from Button down software and known as Profits! version 1.3.

CompuTrac has a reputation for providing excellent software for the technically oriented trader and investor. The Macintosh computer has an equally fine reputation for being user-friendly and creating terrific graphs. The combination of CompuTrac and the Macintosh make a great combination for the technical analyst. I can say that really like the program. There are 27 programmed technical studies, with eight studies being generic subjects such as "Volume," with two or more studies offered as choices (for example, on-balance volume and volume accumulation).

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