V. 8:14 (531-533): Wave Analysis Functions by John Sweeney

V. 8:14 (531-533): Wave Analysis Functions by John Sweeney
Item# \V08\C14\R531.PDF
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Product Description

Wave Analysis Functions by John Sweeney

Walter Studnicki

C.E.R. Institute, Inc.

P.O. Box 9157

Scottsdale, AZ 85252

(602) 991-3410

Service: Program to calculate "potential market reversal days" and Fibonacci retracement levels.

Requires: IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with printer

Price: $377

If you believe that historical data contain repetitive cycles that extend into the future and want to bet money on it, there's one program that is the compendium of calculations for the dates on which you will trade. Wave Analysis Functions (WAF) will calculate and list every conceivably related data for cycles up to 50 Fibonacci retracement levels (to the eighth decimal point) and, ultimately, critical trade dates.

Getting this done is relatively painless. The program comes with data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from March 25, 1898, bonds from December 15,1977, and gold from February 21,1980, and more recent data for Eurodollars, Swiss francs and soybeans. You supply the turning point from which you wish the projections made—and a certain amount of judgment to evaluate skew in the time periods, cyclical factors and evaluations of other indicators. The results are not graphic but tabular and only one of many tables have been shown in Figure 1. As you can see, the multitude of ratios generates a true plethora of critical dates¾and this is just from the Fibonacci and wave projection sections. Wave Functions also produces a critical trade date report, future time periods report, elapsed time periods report, a calendar, and a report on elapsed DJIA trade dates.

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