V. 8:14 (530-530): Mutual Fund Selector, Version 1.2 John Sweeney, Editor

V. 8:14 (530-530): Mutual Fund Selector, Version 1.2 John Sweeney, Editor
Item# \V08\C14\R530.PDF
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Product Description

Mutual Fund Selector, Version 1.2 John Sweeney, Editor

Rugg & Steele, Inc.

6433 Topanga Canyon Boulevard,

Suite 108

Canoga Park, CA 91303

(800) 678-FUND

(818) 340-0179

Product: Data and review/filter/ selection software for equity and fixed income funds.

Prices: $299 with either equity or fixed income data; $499 with both sets of data. Quarterly data subscription: $199 for one or $299 for both. Monthly data subscription: $299 for one or $499 for both.

Don Rugg sent us a free copy of Mutual Fund Selector in hopes it would stimulate a review, and indeed it has. Mutual Fund Selector is right up there with the big boys in its features and implementation.

Running the program on a 286-based machine, we found a very quick and thorough program, which, incidentally, absorbed just under 900K of space on our hard disk. MFS will run on a floppy-based configuration with 256K, but it will be at its best in 640K and a fast-access hard disk.

Included with the program is a ton of data on the equity and fixed income universes of mutual funds. Starting out, you pick one or the other and, after a small delay to load the entire set of data into memory, there it is: 1,171 stock funds or 944 fixed income funds. (Naturally, we were sent the whole package. You can save money by picking one or the other and you get a $100 discount if you buy both.)

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