V. 8:14 (534-534): DoubleDisk by John Sweeney

V. 8:14 (534-534): DoubleDisk by John Sweeney
Item# \V08\C14\R534B.PDF
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Product Description

DoubleDisk by John Sweeney

Vertisoft Systems, Inc.

Southgate Professional Building

150 Highway 9, Suite 13

Freehold, NJ 07728

(201) 780-8641

Product: General background compression program for DOS machines with hard disks

Price: $99.95

Is your hard disk all jammed up, Bunky? Can't put any more applications on? Here is something almost spooky to make things better: a product to compress everything on your disk and thereby create more space.

We were genuinely hesitant to try this out, fearing for our data, our analyses and our on-disk phonebook. We put off trying it out even after the authors called to find out what the delay was. Eventually, consumed by curiosity, we tried it on a fully booked, 10-megabyte disk whose demise we could see in the near future anyway.

Amazingly enough, everything worked, right out of the box!

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