V. 8:14 (525-525): Intermarket Technical Analysis by John Sweeney

V. 8:14 (525-525): Intermarket Technical Analysis by John Sweeney
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Product Description

Intermarket Technical Analysis by John Sweeney

Trading and Portfolio Management for the Futures, Stock, Bond, and Currency Markets

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

605 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10158-0012

(212) 850-6000

Author: John J. Murphy

Price: $39.95, 256 oversized pages, available May 1991

John Murphy, author of a certified bible of technical analysis (Technical Analysis, published by John Wiley & Sons), a book now used in the training program for the Certified Market Technician (CMT) exam, has now come up with an elaboration of the business cycle idea for the commodities/bonds/equities cycle in Intermarket Technical Analysis. He's also the first that I know of to include the influence of foreign currencies on the business cycle.

Martin Pring introduced me to this line of fundamentalist thought in his definitive book on technical analysis. Back then (in 1982), I'd gotten as far as trusting the business cycle to deliver market fluctuations and believing that bond people were smarter than stock, people, or at least a few months ahead of them. It was Pring who pointed out that even ahead of bonds were commodities, often a reflection of inflation.

Since then, the U.S. dependence on imported goods has risen, though it's still less than 12% of total purchases, a relatively low value. Oil immediately comes to mind, but there are thousands of other raw materials as well as BMWs.

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