V. 8:14 (517-517): Short-Term Trading in Futures by Dr. Alexander Elder

V. 8:14 (517-517): Short-Term Trading in Futures by Dr. Alexander Elder
Item# \V08\C14\R517.PDF
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Product Description

Short-Term Trading in Futures by Dr. Alexander Elder

Author: Jacob Bernstein

Publisher: Probus Publishing, 118 North Clinton St., Chicago, IL 60606

Price: $125

In recent years the public has become greatly interested in day trading. The ranks of traders swell as real-time data become less expensive. You can get a complete day trading system—computer, satellite dish, software—for less than the cost of a small car. With real-time data streaming from a satellite into your computer, you can day trade from a remote mountaintop or an oceanfront home. Many traders dream of independence, of making money out of thin air.

The number of successful day traders is small. The professionals tend to keep to themselves, and few are willing to teach their methods. There are not enough books or other learning materials for aspiring day traders. Some opportunists view this "information gap" as an opening for selling repackaged old methods as day trading tools.

My first impression of Short-Term Trading in Futures is its overabundance of white space. This 320-page volume has 43 totally blank pages and only 92 pages of text, each only a half-page wide. There are 183 charts, 116 of which are plain, unmarked screen dumps.

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