V. 8:14 (514-517): Option Valuation Model 3.05 by Steve Barr

V. 8:14 (514-517): Option Valuation Model 3.05 by Steve Barr
Item# \V08\C14\R514.PDF
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Product Description

Option Valuation Model 3.05 by Steve Barr

Vendor: Radix Research Ltd., 2280 Woodlawn Crescent, Victoria V8R 1P2 BC, Canada, (604) 592-5308.

Hardware: IBM compatible, hard drive and math co-processor supported but not required.

Price: $495 Canadian, $125 upgrade for registered users.

Have you studied the options market enough to appreciate concepts such as fair market value, alpha, delta, implied volatility or the various mathematical valuation models? Professionals use these yardsticks and rely on computer programs to speed up the complex calculations involved. James Bruce-Sanders, president of Radix Research, recently released an upgrade of his successful Option Valuation Model, a program that mathematically evaluates listed options. The calculations take into account volatility, the recent price of the underlying security, dividend yield, time until expiry and the risk-free interest (Treasury bill) rate. Version 3.05, in addition to correcting a few of its predecessor's problems, is more flexible, allowing the user to customize it for specific markets. Some of the new features are:

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