V. 8:14 (519-519): Leading Indicators for the 1990s by John Sweeney

V. 8:14 (519-519): Leading Indicators for the 1990s by John Sweeney
Item# \V08\C14\R5191.PDF
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Product Description

Leading Indicators for the 1990s by John Sweeney

Author: Geoffrey. H. Moore

Publisher: Dow Jones-Irwin

1818 Ridge Road

Homewood, IL 60430

(312) 206-2700

Price: $25

Nothing could be more topical than rethinking the leading indicators index published in the Business Conditions Digest, watched by nearly every economist and policymaker in the U.S. —and many outside the U.S. as well.

Throughout the 1980s, this indicator, while performing serviceably, if not perfectly, together with the lagging and the coincident/lagging ratio, have bumped along in a way many think inadequately reflects the actual path of the economy. Blame is commonly assigned to the "old" components that don't reflect the increasing shift to services in the Gross National Product (GNP).

Meanwhile, Geoffrey Moore and his colleagues at Columbia University's Center for International Business Cycle Research (CIBCR) have built a solid track record researching and forecasting inflation and other economic indicators. No better crew could address the composition of a modern leading indicator.

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