V. 8:13 (511-511): Quick-Scans: THE 1990 $UPERTRADER'S ALMANAC

V. 8:13 (511-511): Quick-Scans: THE 1990 $UPERTRADER'S ALMANAC
Item# \V08\C13\A511.PDF
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Product Description


Market Movements, Inc.

5212 East 69th Place

Tulsa, OK 74136

(918) 493-2897

Author: Frank Taucher

Price: $30.00

442 pages plus index

How would you like to be required to get a prospectus before you could buy a book? How would you like to get the CFTC's permission to read STOCKS & COMMODITIES?

The regulation maniacs are at it again and the focus of their ire is Frank Taucher's enormous compendium of trading lore, the $upertrader's Almanac. This, they've decided, is "trading advice" and is therefore subject to their review/approval and the whole extensive makework panoply of "disclosure" that goes with your throwing your money at an investment aimed at you. The fact that the only money at risk is the price of the book is irrelevant to the megalomaniacs at the CFTC. If they have their way, the cost of publishing and disclosing the book will be so ruinous that we'll lose it.

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