V. 8:13 (506-506): Quick Scans: THE PRICE SPIRAL METHOD

V. 8:13 (506-506): Quick Scans: THE PRICE SPIRAL METHOD
Item# \V08\C13\A506.PDF
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Product Description


Windsor Books

P.O. Box 280, Brightwaters, NY 11718

Author: B.J. Howard, 1988

Price: $50

As some of you may have guessed by its name, B.J. Howard's price spiral method utilizes the Fibonacci (Lucas) progression (I realize the Fibonacci and Lucas theories are technically different, but to such a small degree I feel the point is moot). The method involves the Elliott wave principle to a limited degree.

Howard claims his system works on any freely traded market—stocks or commodities. The founding theory of his method is based on human nature: All free markets reflect the aggregate actions of a mass of people. The hypothesis is that while individual actions cannot be predicted with any degree of precision, the actions of a sufficiently large group of people can be. This book aims to make this concept of mass psychology discernible from a trading perspective. With an understanding of mass psychology at work in the markets, any market becomes tradeable anytime, according to Howard.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section deals with the fundamental mathematics involved in this system, and goes into more detail than I cared to follow! Those who enjoy math, however, will love it.

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