V. 8:13 (506-506): Quick Scans: STRATEGIC INVESTMENT TIMING IN THE 90'S

V. 8:13 (506-506): Quick Scans: STRATEGIC INVESTMENT TIMING IN THE 90'S
Item# \V08\C13\B506.PDF
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How to pinpoint and profit from short- and long-term changes in the economy

Probus Publishing Co.

118 N. Clinton St., Suite 305

Chicago, IL 60606

(800) 426-1520, (312) 346-7985

Author: Dick A. Stoken

Price: $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling 257 pages

Interest rates, inflation and investor mood make up the basics for Dick Stoken's investment approach, and in this updated volume he's documented the rules of thumb that turn these truths into tradeable realities. Amid the recent spate of investment strategy books stimulated by the turn of the decade, SIT in the 90's is one of the most practical and realistic.

Stoken expects us to return to the inflationary ways of our past, so his prescriptive focus is on beating that environment. Given recent money supply growth and inflation numbers, he may not be far off. He even advocates, as others have recently, the use of commodities (funds, actually) as an integral part of his strategy.

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