V. 8:13 (490-491): Quick Scans: PC HOOKUP 2.0
Product Description
Brown Bag Software
2155 South Bascom Ave., Suite 114
Campbell, CA 95008
(800) 523-0764
In California, (800) 323-5335
Product: Hardwire data transfer, remote computer control and telecommunications (modem) software
Price: $129.95
Many expensive methods are available to transfer data (mostly files) from one personal computer to
another. Networks are the most popular way at the moment, and they do offer the most flexibility.
However, the most efficient method, short of sneaker-net — actually transporting disks between
machines by foot rather than sending the data electronically—is a direct cable hookup between the two
The software need only be straightforward, and the speed of transfer is usually far faster than the usual
network that must overlay the transferred data with the network's packet information and involves lots of
give-and-take between client and server.
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