V. 8:13 (497-498): Quick Scans: PACIOLI 2000
Product Description
M-USA Business Systems, Inc.
18111 Preston Rd., Ste 500
Dallas, TX 75252
(800) 345-4243
Price: $49.95 and $7.50 shipping & handling
System Requirements:
-IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible
-MS-DOS 2.0 or greater; 3.1 or greater for Novell (or 100% compatible) networks
-One 5.25- or 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
-Minimum of 4MB of available hard disk space
-640K RAM
-Color or monochrome monitor with graphics capability
Recommended: Microsoft or compatible mouse
Pacioli 2000 is a multiple module/single system accounting software package that allows the full use of
your computer's power without having to switch between programs. Eight modules are built within the
Pacioli 2000 system: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory Control,
Purchasing, Billing, Budgeting and Auditing (no payroll).
Each accounting task is easily accomplished through Pacioli's menu bar, pulldown menus with expanded
options and command bar for program functions. The system is relatively easy to use. The
documentation, video tutorial, free unlimited customer support and F1 help key are examples of the detail
that the developers of Pacioli 2000 went through to provide a useful and complete accounting software
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