V. 7:9 (321-321): Letters To S&C

V. 7:9 (321-321): Letters To S&C
Item# \V07\C09\LETTER.PDF
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Suggestions for topics


In your March 1989 issue you have an article by Steve Notis called "Testing breakout systems." It's described as an S&P 500 system. My question is, will it work with bonds, gold, silver, etc? If it will, but with slightly different parameters, would you write about it in an upcoming issue? If possible could you also write about trading thrusts in general: Are there times a thrust will be a reasonably safe trade, how to tell if it's going to be a failure, volume patterns to look for, etc.

One more thing I would like to see is more in-depth reports on stochastics. I know you've done a lot of articles on stochastics but I still always come away with the feeling that something's missing. Are there chart patterns you can combine stochastics with to make the method more reliable? Are there other indicators stochastics could be combined with to increase the odds? What about volume patterns, where to place stops after entered, good entry points to use, etc.?


Cedar Rapids, IA

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