V. 7:13 (473-473): Quick Scans: THE STRATEGY SIMULATOR

V. 7:13 (473-473): Quick Scans: THE STRATEGY SIMULATOR
Item# \V07\C13\STRATEG.PDF
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Product Description



The Strategy Simulator permits the intermediate-term investor to simulate various strategies, including market timing and tactical asset allocation using Bill Finnegan's Market Forecaster program.

The program consists of a program disk and a data disk, and a simple four-page manual. (At $149 it is not a bargain.) Running the program is easy but maddeningly slow. It takes almost five minutes for each data run-through on an 8086 (with an 8087 co-processor) machine running at 7.14 MHz. Installing a RAM disk is really mandatory if you are going to run a number of cases. A RAM disk will reduce your run time about 25%. The 122 cases I tried recently took between eight and 10 hours to run, all attended. To save time I suggest running your cases two or three percentage points apart, not one point as I did.

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