V. 7:13 (470-470): Quick-Scans: REPORT ON TAX-DEFERRED ANNUITIES

V. 7:13 (470-470): Quick-Scans: REPORT ON TAX-DEFERRED ANNUITIES
Item# \V07\C13\REPORT.PDF
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Product Description



Tax-deferred annuities (TDAs) are being marketed as the ideal retirement investment for people who have fully funded their tax deductible retirement accounts (i.e., IRAs or Keoghs)—and they probably are ideal. A TDA is basically an investment in a mutual fund family that is wrapped inside an insurance annuity contract. Because it is within the annuity contract, all dividends and capital gains from switching between individual funds (no matter what the holding period) are not taxed until the cash is actually withdrawn from the annuity contract, not the individual fund. This is in stark contrast to intra-family fund switching, which is an immediately taxable event.

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