V. 7:13 (478-479): Quick-Scans: DISK TECHNICIAN ADVANCED
Product Description
The proliferation of hard disk recovery programs has left most users impressed and bewildered at the
amazing things that can go wrong with their softly whirring magnetic wonders. Many seem bemused:
nothing has ever gone wrong with their machine but the expert users seem united that something will wrong sometime. What to do?
Why not go for the high-end, a program that will do it all and assure you there's no better solution? Prime
Solutions claims of its hard disk preventive maintenance, "We invented the category back in early 1987
with the introduction of Disk Technician." Further, "despite (competitors) claims, not a single one of
these (competitive utilities) can even come close to our first product. In fact, we will happily match the
original Disk Technician against any or all newcomers, anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances.
The tougher, the better."
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