V. 6:9 (322-322): Letters To S&C

V. 6:9 (322-322): Letters To S&C
Item# \V06\C09\LETTER.PDF
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Product Description

Letters To S&C

Technical analysis software


I have an Apple II/e with dual disk drive and an Epson printer, and am very interested in your software for charting markets. However, I am very unfamiliar with the graphics tool kit and 5-inch disk format that you mentioned in your current issue.

I have Appleworks and would like to know how, if possible, I could create a graph with data from the spreadsheet. If you can help me with my obvious dilemma, I would indeed be highly grateful.


Dublin, CA

Technical Analysis Charts™ is for the Apple 11 series of computers with a minimum of 128K memory. This program is capable of using double high resolution graphics which allow you to have almost the same number of dots as currently available on other computers, such as the IBM.

Your request about incorporating AppleWorks data files with those of Technical Analysis Charts is interesting and certainly possible, but at this time we do not have a routine to read the AppleWorks data format. Since our system is designed to be a BASIC programming system, if there is a BASIC program that will read AppleWorks data into a simple X array then, indeed, you can use your AppleWorks data. —Ed.

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