V. 6:4 (135-135): Quick-Scans
Product Description
SpectraSoft, Inc.
11 Harrison Street
New York, New York, 10013
Price: free
SpectraSoft is giving away a package of financial subroutines to demonstrate to applications developers
its skills in applications development. The disk runs on IBM-type PCs and has 54 different routines with
a small shell program to run them. We tried them out and they all work!
The disk has routines for everything from Dutch bond yield to the Vega of an option. You must supply
the knowledge of what you're doing so this isn't for the average trader. It's for highly skilled institutional
users who already know the material and want a convenient calculator resident on their machine.
SpectraSoft hopes to demonstrate their knowledge of the financial markets with the disk. All the
programs are from their Capital Markets Library which can be run in many environments (PC, VAX and
SUN) and development languages (C,COBOL, FORTRAN, Clipper). SpectraSoft can supply these
routines for research, systems development, operations and trading floor groups as one way to drastically
reduce development time.
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