V. 6:12 (466-469): The secrets to stock option success by Patrick D. Bosold

V. 6:12 (466-469): The secrets to stock option success by Patrick D. Bosold
Item# \V06\C12\SECRETS.PDF
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Product Description

The secrets to stock option success by Patrick D. Bosold

Author: Kenneth R. Trester


Institute for Options Research, Inc.,

P.O. Box 12340

Reno, NV 89510

(800) 334-0854, Ext. 840

Contents: Ten cassette tapes, 270 page manual, Future Value Tables, Index Options booklet, three-month newsletter subscription, bonus cassette, three special reports.

Price: $299

Does this options investment scenario sound familiar? Investor (beginner or veteran) gets "hot tip" about a pending event that should create a big move in a company's stock or the entire market -or- a friend, broker or financial talk show host advises investor to buy an option on the company's stock or a stock market index, to leverage an investment and make big bucks fast.

Investor buys an option on stock or index.

Investor loses the entire investment, or even more if option writing was part of the strategy -or- even worse, investor gets lucky and option investment delivers big payoff. Investor gets excited, blows all the profits and more investment capital into options and really gets burned.

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