V. 5:7 (229-230): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

V. 5:7 (229-230): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V05\C07\LETTERS.PDF
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Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

Edit Errors


The articles in your magazine are usually so well written that they are interesting to read even though the reader may not agree with the contents. The article written by William Eng was therefore most surprising.

It would have been an act of kindness to either edit it or not print it. The English language was much abused by Mr. Eng, and his writing style showed much confusion in use of words.

For instance: page 23, column 1, last paragraph. The quote "It's none of your goddamn business!" is uttered 1) matter-of-factly, 2) with abruptness, 3) caused emotional pain, 4) in anger. In these sentences the author has described one response in four different ways. Talk about contradictions.

Is it possible that most people would not know a legendary trader? If so, he would hardly be legendary, would he? (Column 1, second paragraph.) If someone is straightforward, I do not believe he would be "from the hip." Maybe from the heart, or the brain, but not the hip. (Column 2, first paragraph.) I imagine a trader who is broke 28 out of 30 years could be legendary—a legendary flop—hardly one to emulate or write about. The fourth paragraph of this article is so weird it is difficult to determine if the word "stature" refers to the man's station in life or his height. I am sure the word "inordinately" in paragraph 3 is misused. Does the author really mean excessively? Didn't he mean invariably? I could go on and on but you get the picture. The article is a mess and I am not quite sure why it was published.


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