V. 4:8 (293-294): Sweeney Agonistes by John Sweeney

V. 4:8 (293-294): Sweeney Agonistes by John Sweeney
Item# \V04\C08\SWEE.PDF
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Product Description

Sweeney Agonistes by John Sweeney

FEEDING FRENZY I opened my Journal today to find Kidder Peabody explaining "What is a stock?" on the editorial pages. My mother calls to find out if she should be going for "higher returns in the market."

I've not been through a stock market feeding frenzy personally, but it seems to me a lot of ordinary people are thinking about throwing money at the stock market. Of course, through their mutual funds and retirement plans, they already have thrown a lot of money at the market. With cash inflows in both areas growing, fund managers seem to be sorely pressed to come up with good buys—but the money must go somewhere.

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