V. 4:2 (83-84): Winning on Wall Street by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Winning on Wall Street by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Summa Software Corporation
P.O. Box 2046
Beaverton, Ore. 97075
(503) 644-3212
List price: $695
Discounted price: about $500
Ease of use: A
Documentation: A
Reliability: A
Error handling: B+
Vendor support: A
Hardware Requirements:
192 K or more memory (preferably, a lot more)
Color or monochrome monitor with graphics board
Two disk drives
Hayes 1200 or 1200B modem
Graphics printer
PC DOS 1.1 or 2.0 or MS-DOS with a graphic dump routine
We've come a long way in a very few years, insofar as technical analysis software is concerned.
Winning on Wall Street is typical of the new, powerful, well-documented and well thought-out packages
available. It's probably the package of choice for a technical analyst who wants a complete package of
standard tools integrated with a data management and accounting system. Such a trader really need look
no further.
Only two years ago, "leading edge" packages arrived on one's doorstep in the form of a virtually
unprotected, low-quality floppy disk accompanied by four or five pages of copied documentation. Such
trading systems are still common. Often the biggest hurdle was getting past the trivia of turning on the
system! Nowadays, that shouldn't happen.
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