V. 3:7 (262-264): Stock/Commodity Products
Product Description
Stock/Commodity Products
(312) 262-1318
Computer: Apple MacIntosh (512K)
Richard Batchelor has released MacTrader, trading software combining the powerful graphics of the
Maclntosh with on-line update of prices and a disclosed trading system. MacTrader runs on a "fat Mac"
using "Radio Exchange" updates, the same system supporting Pocketquote.
A typical MacTrader display shows two bar graphs (using five minutes to one day per bar) with a moving
average oscillator on top, a moving average channel lagged and projected on the bar chart together with
two moving averages, a line showing the systems and indicators in use, an RSI graph with its moving
average, and a rolling tape of user selected stocks, options, or futures prices.
MacTrader's trading system uses moving average channels together with oscillators to isolate situations
with a high degree of profitable entry. The situations are reviewed by "rule based" system to develop a
"consensus of opinion" as to similarity of the combination of indicators and price patterns to reasonably
predictive combinations in the past.
MacTrader is available for the 128K MacIntosh in a single-screen version with disclosed code for $500.
A 512K manually updated version is $700 with source code and the online version is $1000 without code.
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