V. 3:6 (216-217): N2 Stock Analyzer by John Kepka

V. 3:6 (216-217): N2 Stock Analyzer by John Kepka
Item# \V03\C06\NSS.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

N2 Stock Analyzer by John Kepka

Every once in a while a product comes along with exceptional capabilities at an attractive price—Stock Analyzer is such a program for stock and futures traders. The program strikes a balance between graphical technical analysis and numerical methods. It requires no elaborate security device to function and no secret handshake for the printer. It is fully copyable, has good error trapping, and runs without special peripherals. It operates right out of the box and is extremely user-friendly. The manual is hardly necessary to use the program which includes a help menu if you get stuck right away. The package is complete with extensive Utilities on a separate disk for flexible data base management at no extra cost. The only extra cost would be the N2 Interface Program to use Dow Jones or Compuserve. If you have Apple IIc, no extra drive is necessary but a Printographer is required. The manual is short, well written and to the point with step-by-step examples to familiarize the user with normal operation. The program is a 20 on a scale from 1 to 10. It was just a pleasure to run.

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