V. 3:6 (199-200): Stock/Commodity Products

V. 3:6 (199-200): Stock/Commodity Products
Item# \V03\C06\STOCK.PDF
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Product Description

Stock/Commodity Products TaxCalc

TaxCalc Software, Inc.

(817) 738-3122

Price: $150

TaxCalc Software, Inc. (Fort Worth) now incorporates tax changes made for 1985 in a new version of its tax planning template for spreadsheets running on the IBM-PC, Apple MacIntosh, and other microcomputers. Each template works with Lotus 1-2-3 and other spreadsheets for efficient "what if?" analysis of tax liabilities. Tax planning templates are also available for Arizona, Illinois, Ohio,Oregon, Minnesota, California, New York City and New York State.

The TaxCalc Tax Planner lets CPAs, tax planners and individuals analyze a specific tax situation and examine the alternatives available in the tax planning process. The Tax Planner can also be used as a tool in checking tax returns.

TaxCalc is easy to use; users simply fill in the data, which follows the appropriate tax form, and use the spreadsheet's recalculate command to post all results. Any or all variables can be changed and the spreadsheet can be recalculated to see the effect. And the effect can be observed graphically if TaxCalc is used with Lotus 1-2-3, SuperCalc 3, or VisiCalc IV.

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