V. 3:6 (193-193): Letters to Technical Analysis

V. 3:6 (193-193): Letters to Technical Analysis
Item# \V03\C06\LETTER.PDF
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Product Description

Letters to Technical Analysis Dear Dr. Warren,

The purpose of this letter is to request your help, as the author, to obtain a working version of the program for Maximum Entropy Forecasting which appeared in the December, 1984 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities.

I have become interested in using a technique such as maximum entropy to evaluate cross-over points to try to eliminate whip-sawing. The initial analysis section published in the July/ August issue seems to be functioning with the corrections. However, the later section for forecasting from the December issue appears to have a glitch. Terms L%, NU, and DL are used in line 1160 without having been defined and the net result is a division by zero error.

Yours truly,

Edward S. Yorkison

Pittsburgh, PA

Dear Edward,

Thank you for your recent letter pointing out a problem with the Maximum Entropy Forecasting routine published in the December 1984 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. I have not been able to respond earlier due to vacation schedules and pressing business.

Line 1160 of the Forecasting code is a special code adaptation for use within the CompuTrac system and is indeed not generic code. We have since determined that most CompuTrac users would prefer using our diskette code versions, and will in the future publish more generic Basic code (the code for the trend following method in the June 1985 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities will be published in generic form for example). The problem in line 1160 can be solved by replacing the first part of line 1160 which currently appears as:

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