V. 3:5 (188-188): Tradeplan Mitronix IIC by John Sweeney
Product Description
Tradeplan Mitronix IIC
by John Sweeney
Market Information Inc.
Suite 100
11414 West Center Road
Omaha, Neb., 68144
(800) 228-9683
Hardware: Two-foot dish antenna, controller computer, color monitor, keyboard and Canon PJ-1080A
color printer supplied by Market Information.
Price: $567/month leased plus exchange fees and "commodity group" fees from Market Information
Hey, guys! Look at this thing, will ya!? It must have every bell and whistle possible! I've never seen so
much stuff crammed into one program!
See this button? Instant quotes! Any commodity. Past quotes collected every minute. Or five minutes. Or
two hours. Or about anything in between! Take your pick. Jeez, eight pages of quotes - open, high, low,
last, tics, volume, highest opening price for gawd's sake! You just name it...
And looky here - the whole load graphed out with quotes still displayed! One, two, five or ten of those
little beauties. In color. In three or four colors! Criminey! What's left to dream about.
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