V. 3:5 (166-166): Compu/CHART by John Sweeney
Product Description
by John Sweeney
NEWTEK Industries
P.O. Box 46116
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(213) 874-6669
Price: $95
Computer: Any machine running CPM, PC-DOS, or MS-DOS
As author Jules Brenner well puts it, "It doesn't serve the CP/M or MS-DOS non-graphics (hardware)
owner to be told, in essence, that if a chart is to be plotted a new hardware system must be obtained."
There are those of us to whom spending another $2,500 in hardware to get graphs is offensive. We
wonder why machines are sold without the gadgets to do the gee-whiz effects so commonly shown in the
advertisements. Compu/CHART is a successful attempt to use the basic (i.e., non pixel) screen's
capability to give a quick-but-not-too-dirty picture of prices and moving averages.
Compu/CHART provides the capability to manually enter your data in decimal format for 72 trading days
and then easily update the data as the markets unfold. The database facility is quick and easy to use if
you're a good typist. Up to five days of past data can be entered in the update mode at any one time.
Once updated, you immediately enter the charting mode and the screen gives you the price picture of the
closes together with two moving averages superimposed on the screen. If you don't like the default 18
and 32-day averages, you can alter them to your own specifications. No other technical indicators are
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