V. 3:4 (145-151): Stock/Commodity Products

V. 3:4 (145-151): Stock/Commodity Products
Item# \V03\C04\STOCK.PDF
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Product Description

Stock/Commodity Products Compu/CHART

NewTEK Industries

(213) 874-6669

Computer: CPM or MS-DOS modem

Price: $99.95

Compu/CHART, a market level stock charting program which employs ASCII characters to draw trend charts on a display screen, has an upgrade offering new features. As in prior versions, Compu/CHART operates without dependancy on graphics, under CP/M, as well as MS-DOS. The user/chartist enters price information from readily accessed free or fee sources.

The first of the new features is a user modifications routine which allows the chartist to customize the program to the methods he/she enjoys using. Specifically, the chartist can now assign his/her preferred moving averages while having an opportunity after each chart generation to replot the chart with different averages.

In the comparison module, Compu/CHART allows the overlay of up to four different investment instruments at a time. Because of the different display attributes of individual ASCII characters, another new feature provides the ability to change the assigned characters for each of the compared investments, optimizing this important charting technique for the individual system and individual preference of the user.

A third new feature is the AfterSave report. After a new entry is stored to the disk file, Compu/CHART reads out the new status of the investment. It reports last trade amount, new entry, and the difference (higher or lower) in dollar amount and in percentage.

Compu/CHART plots three moving averages on each screen, recomputing them with each new entry; allows trial entries; uses the entire 80-column screen to plot the action of 73 trading days (approximately 3 1/2 months); shows last trade level on chart screen; shows a status line indicating market condition, support and resistance prices, Buy/Sell alerts; creates any number of data files (not only one for each equity, but as many as the chartist desires for different parameters of the same equity: day, week, hour; bond issues, futures, etc.); prints a hard copy for last 56trading days on a continuous feed printer or cut page; scales any range of values automatically; and compares up to four different equities at a time, reminds the user of ex dividend date(s), last trade, status of last trade relative to last entered value ( in amount and percentage). Prices may be anything with a flow of values: stocks, bonds, futures, commodities, options, etc. The program provides program options via menus and prompts.

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