V. 3:2 (83-86): Stock/Commodity Products
Product Description
Stock/Commodity Products
The items listed in this section are selected by our editorial staff from the large number of product
announcements and news releases sent to us daily. They are presented to keep you informed of current
market trading tools and services. We have not tested many of these products, so appearance here does
not necessarily imply endorsement by Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine.
Framework Software
Ashton-Tate, IBM (PC DOS)
Price: $695
Framework includes the following modes: Outlining
An innovative and very powerful outline processor can be used as a stand alone organizer or as a
companion to the word processor. Using this outline mode, single ideas can be quickly captured and then
expanded into fuller concepts and solutions. Any outline frame or subheading within an outline can be
instantly expanded to include text, spreadsheets, graphs or databases. With Framework, your PC is truly a
thinking machine.
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Professional Traders' Starter Kit |
All these items shown below only $430! |
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