V. 26:10 (69-70): Product Review: ForexTickChart.com by Sean Moore

V. 26:10 (69-70): Product Review: ForexTickChart.com by Sean Moore
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Product Description

Product Review: ForexTickChart.com by Sean Moore


If you’ve been looking for a website that provides up-to-minute foreign exchange charts with technical capabilities, ForexTickChart.com may be for you. Seeing the need for quick, easy-access forex charts that can be shared in the forex-trading community, trader Lex Nepomuceno started the website. Here, a user can easily build a forex chart, add technical indicators, descriptions, trendlines, and even links to related articles, post the chart for the ForexTickChart.com community, and then forward the chart link to friends and coworkers.


Using ForexTickChart.com is fairly straightforward. Click on the “My Account” tab from the homepage to create an account so you can save your charts. To create an account, you’ll need to punch in your email address, user name, password, and first and last name. With that, you’re ready to start building charts. You’ll need the Flash plug-in installed on your Internet browser, since the chart interface for ForexTickChart.com is Flash-based. Click on the “Build New Chart” tab to open the chart interface. From the chart window, click on the “File” menu and select “Load New Chart.” This will open the chart settings window (Figure 1) where you can select the currency pair, time frame (tick, monthly), start and end dates, and technical indicators (more than 60 available and you can change the parameters to match your trading style) that you’d like to add.

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