V. 26:10 (14-22): Three Trend Trading Techniques by Rob Booker

V. 26:10 (14-22): Three Trend Trading Techniques by Rob Booker
Item# \V26\C10\190BOOK.pdf
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Product Description

Three Trend Trading Techniques by Rob Booker

The currency market is known to be one of the best trending markets in the world. Here are three strategies for entering and exiting trends to maximize profit and minimize risk.

Imagine that centuries ago, a pilgrim set out on a mission to discover the secret of trading. He passed through deserts, thirsty for truth more than water. He descended into valleys where he met despair and then rose again more determined than ever. Finally, he scaled the steep walls of a massive mountain and met a teacher whose wisdom was sought by even the mightiest of traders. And when asked the secret of trading, the master teacher spoke only these words:

“The trend is your friend. Never trade against it.”

And thus a myth was created. Mountains of trading literature have been produced about this one statement. But is it true?

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