V. 2:5 (167-168): Stochastic Oscillator Program for the HP-41C(V) by Dr. Charles F. Johnson, M.D.

V. 2:5 (167-168): Stochastic Oscillator Program for the HP-41C(V) by Dr. Charles F. Johnson, M.D.
Item# \V02\C05\STOC.PDF
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Product Description

Stochastic Oscillator Program for the HP-41C(V) by Dr. Charles F. Johnson, M.D.

The Stochastic Oscillator, an indicator of overbought and oversold conditions for a set of data, is based on a relationship between closing price and high/low price in rising/falling price movements. I have found the HP-41 C(V) an ideal system to calculate the regular stochastic and smoothed ("slow") stochastic as outlined by Harry Schirding in "Stochastic Oscillator", May/June 1984 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities.

Using the program listing which I have included, you can key the program into the 41-C(V) memory (refer to manufacturer's manual for details of operation.)

Programs can be saved on magnetic cards for future use with a card reader which attaches to the top of the unit. Either one of the two types of thermal printers which are available for the system may be used to provide a hard copy of the data input and stochastic output.

—To run the program, after loading it, simply press the R/S key. This results in a statement of the data register "size" required (refer to manual) and a prompt for the "name" of your data.

—After entering the name press the R/S key. When "0.0000" shows in the view screen you are ready to proceed with the next step.

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