V. 22:9 (84): Websites For Traders: WallStreetCity.com by David Penn
Product Description
V. 22:9 (84): Websites For Traders: WallStreetCity.com by David Penn
One of the blessings of being a market technician is listening to fundamental analysts fire off explanations for events that technicians had anticipated for days. Sure, it’s an extra kicker when the fundamentalist finds him- or herself suddenly reversing a position that was fiercely argued only a few weeks before. But how many times has a technician been watching a financial news
program or reading a mainstream financial periodical and said to himself — in the midst of a blizzard of pundit rationalization and obfuscation — “Sure, whatever you say, pal. But if it does bounce, I’m going to sell it again”?
Nevertheless, fundamentals are an irresistible attraction to many technicians, either out of familiarity (former accountants and brokers turned chartists and
technicians) or morbid curiosity (in part the inspiration of some technical contrarians, perhaps). And for those technicians looking for a good website where the fundamentals lead and the technicals are not far behind, consider bookmarking www.WallStreetCity.com.
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